Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mom's 80th Birthday

(This is my Mom and Dad. I don't remember what year this was...love their smiles!)

Today Mom would have turned 80 years old.

Memories, thoughts, regrets...

Thankful that she is more alive today than she ever was. Thankful that today she can celebrate without any heartache and pain...or LONELINESS.

She is in the presence of Our King, Jesus. She is worshiping at His throne...she is alive and well.

One day it will all be okay...until then I hold on to the hope that does not disappoint - the hope in Jesus Christ!


The Saxophone Player's Wife said...

Angie looks like her. What a great picture!

Leti said...

Caroline, I'm sorry I had not seen your comment...Yes, I've seen the resemblance more and more.
