Friday, May 24, 2013

Hello Again :-)

It has been an incredibly long time since I've been on my blog. I've been itching to write, but somehow something else always takes my attention from it. As of late, my friend Vicki from has been posting some incredible quotes that just stir me up to write. And, can possibly be showing me some of the reasons I haven't written.

Some reasons:  Fear of being transparent. What will people think if I write that? Will I be exposed? And so many other fears...Wanting the writing to be just perfect instead of writing from the heart.  I remember reading in one of Vicki's posts something to the effect about thinking of writing something and actually writing it in my mind, but never putting it in print - ha! I do that all the time. I can come up with a story from one end to the next. I'll think, "I should put this on my blog. Okay, later...when I get a a finally end with why bother..." But the itch to write has never disappeared  It comes back time and again. Then there's FB that has satisfied a bit of that itch. However, I still come back to wanting to write in a more story like, thorough manner. Not just a thought or tidbit or whatever. So I will attempt to embark on this journey of writing once again...

We will see where this takes pull up a chair, let's us reacquaint ourselves and see where it takes us.

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