Thursday, October 29, 2009

Temporal vs. Eternal

Last night I heard this story:

(Leti’s version) There was this little girl that had a strand of fake pearls. She loved her necklace and wore it all the time. Her Father lovingly asked, “Can I have your strand of pearls?” The little girl would respond, “No, but you can have this or that instead, but not my pearl necklace.” The Father would simply smile. Time would go by and the Father, once again, would ask the little girl for her strand of pearls, always getting the same answer. This went on for a while. One day, the little girl decided to go ahead and give her cherished strand of pearls to her Loving Father. She approached him and willingly gave her strand of pearls to her Father. He asked her, “Are you sure?” She said, “Yes.” Her Father smiled and put his hand in his pocket. He pulled out a container and gave it to the little girl. When the little girl opened it, she found a strand of REAL pearls.

Matthew 10:39 – He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

2 Corinthians 4:18 – While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Romans 8:32 – He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

He Heard My Cry...

I walked to the mail box to get our mail. Grabbed the stack and walked in my house sifting through it. Well, nothing interesting there. Lots of junk mail, wait, “What is this? A Card – humm?" I came and sat down on the couch and continued to sift through the mail paying closer attention to the envelopes. “This card? The envelope looks interesting.” Open more junk mail. “Okay, let me see what this card holds.” “Interesting envelope. Oh, I love the sticker (it said, A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17). That’s interesting, my address is typed.” I finally opened the envelope and saw this beautiful card. “Oh, it’s a real card. Let me see what the LORD will tell me through however sent this card.” As I opened it wide, out comes a typed note with 1 John 3:17-23 typed on it, and a Money Order. “What, is this a joke?!” Then I saw these words, “To help bring Angie home for Christmas.” --- I became a sobbing lump.

My Heavenly Father heard my cry, and the cry of a lot of other saints who have been praying for my daughter to be able to come home for Christmas. It seemed impossible, BUT GOD…

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bek's Birthday

On Sunday I got to spend some time with the Ramirez Family (Jose, Laura, Annie and Bek). Bekah's 5th birthday was on the 23rd and I so wanted to spend time with her and the family. So I headed for church and got to worship with the family and spend time with them afterward. The extra blessing is that Jaime got to join us for lunch. Good times with the family :~)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jesus, the perfect atonement

When we say, “Jesus paid the price I could not pay” or “Jesus died for me, that I might be set free” – what do those “phrases” mean to you? Do we really understand what we are saying? Have we, even remotely, grasped what this cost and meant for Our Saviour Jesus Christ?

Today I read this meaning of “propitiation = ‘a sacrifice that bears God’s wrath to the end and in so doing changes God’s wrath toward us into favor’ Grudem, Systematic Theology”. I’ve also heard that justification is not only as if we had never sinned, but as if we had always obeyed – Wow!

We cannot save ourselves. We cannot maintain our salvation. We cannot earn our salvation. We are saved by grace alone. It is a free gift. However, this salvation cost an incredible price. One that, this side of heaven, we cannot even begin to comprehend nor grasp.

Once again, the LORD has been having me revisit Greg Harris’ book, The Darkness and the Glory. We are studying the book of Romans in our church (Women’s Bible Study). We are dealing with salvation by grace alone. I believe that there are those times that with our “familiarity” of certain terms or phrases we don’t grasp the fullness of that statement.

Only Jesus Christ could pay the price we could not pay.

Let me quote from the book:
The mere thought of the aggregate burden of one’s own sin – let alone the weight of every sin ever committed from Adam onward – overwhelms us…We possess neither spiritual nor mental capacities to understand it completely. We could more easily fathom numbering the sands of all the beaches in the world, giving each granule a specific name, and then recalling each grain of sand by name. Multiply this by billions, and you will begin to understand some of the depth of God’s love through Jesus Christ. We cannot even begin to seize it in thought – the magnitude of such a proposal rests only within the Godhead. No wonder angles fervently desire to look into the things related to salvation. No other event in history past or present even remotely compares to the divine love demonstrated that one dark day – as the Servant of Yahweh had His form altered and His appearance disfigured more than anyone who ever has or ever will live.

God did not look away from Jesus as the Lamb atoned for sins. During the darkness the Father looked fully on the Son. Each knew what the Other was doing during this unique second aspect of the cup that the Father had determined that His Son must drink. Is it any wonder that He was marred more than any Son of Adam ever had been (Isaiah 52:14)? How could He possible not be?

For three hours – divine wrath inflicted and received by the One alone able to do so.

For three hours – silent, willful submission by the Lamb of God, the Servant of Yahweh.

For three hours – the Father smote the Son with the full wrath He alone could render.

And then – He stopped.

God's Loving Embrace

Have you ever heard something like, “we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus”? I remember Pastor Jim Orate would always say, “May the LORD work in us, so that He can work through us”.

Yesterday, I began my day as usual. After spending time with the LORD I ventured out and drove to the gym. My body was not cooperating. My brain was “mush” – mid-terms, late nights, etc. had taken its toll on me. But, hey, I was still going to be diligent and disciplined. On Tuesday, I almost ran out sobbing in the middle of the class. Wow, the pressure we put upon ourselves! But, I didn’t. I stuck it through like the “go-getter” that I am. However, by Wednesday, there was nothing happening…energy, stamina and determination had all checked out.

I believe God is a personal God. I believe God cares about everything that happens to me. And, so I believe this morning HE knew I needed a special encounter with HIM.

What happened was that at the end of my gym class someone asked me if I was okay. I gave my normal answer, “I’m okay.” But she once again asked, she pursued it; I genuinely felt she wanted to know. I shared a little – I don’t’ know that I even knew what all was happening inside me. Then she asked me, “Would you like me to pray with you?” At this point I looked around and thought, “At the gym!?” But, hey, I am a Christian, I should be okay praying anywhere, and if this person has the courage to ask and pursue this then I need to be okay with being prayed with – at the gym. (Funny how my mind had this full on conversation; or was it a struggle?). I finally said, “okay.” She held my hands and began to pray. I, of course, began to cry. What she did next floored me. She gently embraced me and continued to pray. By this time I am sobbing. She held me for what, to me, seemed an eternity.

My God pursued me and met me where I was. He knew what I needed. He loves me so much that He used this person to hold me and pray with me, even though I was sweaty and stinky.

How many times have I neglected to heed His voice? How many times have I disregarded His still small voice that tells me go pray with or hug that person? How many times have I been in a hurry and haven’t had time to be used by Him, to minister to someone in need?

I, for one, am thankful that this person took the time to pray and hold me. I hope and pray that I will be more sensitive to those around me, to those that need a special touch.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big Bear Lake

Take Nothing for Granted

God blessed my husband and me with all that was needed for us to get away for a couple of days. I want to share how this trip came about in order to encourage someone out there that might think, “I could never do this.”

My husband and I try to get away at least once a year. However, there have been circumstances and situations that have made it difficult, if not impossible to do this. One of my weaknesses is that I have a tendency to think, “we can never”, or “that will never happen to us, etc.” But, the LORD, always amazes me and humbles me with His love and care for me.

Back in 2006 the LORD provided for us to get away for a couple of days. I didn’t know where to even begin looking. He led me to a beautiful Bed and Breakfast up in Big Bear Lake. It was the perfect spot to relax, sleep and spend time with each other and with the LORD. We absolutely loved it! I remember being aware of one of the other rooms (a pricier one) that had a Jacuzzi and its balcony sat right on the lake, my thought was “we could never.” Well, three years later that is the room we stayed in.

First a friend of mine gave me a gift and said, “The LORD said this is for you and your husband to get away.” I immediately thought of Big Bear. I started praying. At this time we could not possibly get away given all that was happening in our family and home. I asked the LORD if it was possible for Him to grant us to go to Big Bear in October (the Fall in the mountains is absolutely gorgeous). I also asked Him if we could stay in that Bed and Breakfast, and if it wasn’t too much to ask, could we stay in The Shores (that’s the name of the room I had looked at previously). I looked up all the information and “it just happened” that the Bed and Breakfast was having a week day special and The Shores was the price that we could afford! And the rest my friends is history.

Allow me to back track a little. A few days before we left I was privileged to meet a precious woman that stirred me up and made me think a whole lot. She has had two brain aneurysms. She understands that “today is all we have; tomorrow is not guaranteed.” I believe some of us “quote” this, but really don’t live like we believe it. She reminded me that what I have can change in an instant. She reminded me that my husband, my children, my family is there now, but don’t take them for granted. She encouraged me to live each moment as if it was my last. As we were together she received a typed note, nothing fancy, from her husband and her son – her face lit up with joy and love. She even shared her note with everyone. She was so touched by her little note, that meant so much to her. (There was much more to this encounter, but for now this is all I’ll share.)

I thank the LORD for this encounter with this precious woman. Because of this encounter my husband and my getaway was so much more precious and meaningful. My time sitting with my husband, looking at his face, looking into his eyes, touching his warm hands, feeling his warm embrace, was so special. My thought was, “this can change in an instant.”

The LORD also reminded me that HE loves me and has good plans for me, not to harm me, but to mold me and shape me into the image of His Son.

Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love. Thank you LORD for your blessings, may I never take them for granted. Help me to focus on whatever is true, noble and praiseworthy. May I not cloud your love and your blessings with my self-pity and unbelief. Touch that person that feels like they will never get “rest”, like they will never get “a break”. Fill them with an expectant hope and with a joyful heart. In Jesus name – Amen.