Thursday, October 29, 2009

He Heard My Cry...

I walked to the mail box to get our mail. Grabbed the stack and walked in my house sifting through it. Well, nothing interesting there. Lots of junk mail, wait, “What is this? A Card – humm?" I came and sat down on the couch and continued to sift through the mail paying closer attention to the envelopes. “This card? The envelope looks interesting.” Open more junk mail. “Okay, let me see what this card holds.” “Interesting envelope. Oh, I love the sticker (it said, A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17). That’s interesting, my address is typed.” I finally opened the envelope and saw this beautiful card. “Oh, it’s a real card. Let me see what the LORD will tell me through however sent this card.” As I opened it wide, out comes a typed note with 1 John 3:17-23 typed on it, and a Money Order. “What, is this a joke?!” Then I saw these words, “To help bring Angie home for Christmas.” --- I became a sobbing lump.

My Heavenly Father heard my cry, and the cry of a lot of other saints who have been praying for my daughter to be able to come home for Christmas. It seemed impossible, BUT GOD…


lulu said...

That's so awesome..
God is good :)

José J. said...

What an answer to prayer! Praise the Lord! Thanks for sharing, will continue to pray. Awesome!