Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Caregivers Blog

We (fellow caregivers) have begun a Caregivers Blog where we can share with other caregivers and encourage each other - check it out!

I was going to write something there about "encouraging caregivers", but figured that would be like preaching to the choir.

I would like to encourage you to encourage someone in your life that cares for someone. Whether it is a note, a call, a visit. Make them feel like you haven't forgotten their plight. This is a lonely calling and it sure feels good to be appreciated. Don't get me wrong, the reason we do what we do is because God has called us to it, and He absolutely supplies all that we need, but there are those times that we do need a "little something".

Remember, at some point of your life you will either care for someone, know someone that cares for someone, or you will be the one receiving the care - so let us do unto others as we wish done to ourselves.

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