Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Thing(s) Are from Him...

Go over to the Caregiver's Blog and read what the LORD spoke to me through an incredible devotion. One of the many things that stood out was "...Have you longed to do some great work for Me and instead have been laid aside on a bed of pain and weakness? This thing is from Me. I could not get your attention in your busy days and I want to teach you some of My deepest lessons. "They also serve who only stand and wait." Some of My greatest workers are those shut out from active service, that they may learn to wield the weapon of all-prayer..."

Many of you know that I have been heart broken at the fact that I have not been able "to be there" for my husband during this incredibly difficult time. I've wondered...I've questioned...I've, dare I write it here...yes, resented it.

Can I tell you as the Psalmist would say, I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living...

Let me just say that "I have seen the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living". I have been amazed and have sat in awe at what My Awesome and Mighty God has done through my husband. You would first need to know that my husband is incredibly shy and absolutely not a talker, even in a small group setting. With that bit of information let me tell you what GOD has done through him...

My husband brought honor to his earthly father and to His Heavenly Father as he stood in the pulpit of a catholic church, facing a church filled with family and friends and proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ - you see my husband had the honor of leading his earthly father into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ before his father's passing. My husband was able to say, "people say that we lost my Dad. But when you lose something, this means that you don't know where it's at, but I KNOW where my father is, he is in heaven and I will see him again." All I will say is that my husband did not have it easy after his open proclamation of his beliefs.

As life would have it my husband's mother also passed away days after this event. And being compelled by His Savior to proclaim the gospel once again in spite of it all, my husband stood at his mother's service and proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ once again. My husband honored his mother, as a mother deserved, yet made it known that even in all her goodness she too needed a Savior. My husband had the awesome privilege of also leading his mother into a personal relationship with, now her Savior Jesus Christ.

So, you see, my temporal perspective was taking the best of me. All along the eternal purposes of All Mighty God were taking place. My God was exalted and my husband was built up...all without me. How frail, how weak, how wonder that Scripture keeps ringing in my ears know NOTHING save JESUS CHRIST and Him Crucified.

To ONLY GOD be the glory!

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