Friday, February 27, 2009

Totally Random ^_^

~~So I'm sitting in my comfy sofa with my, lately, regular attire - bleach spotted sweats;) There was finally a break in the day and all I wanted to do was sit and not think. I turn on the T.V. and channel surf until I find - drumroll please - an infomercial! I'm not feeling particularly "pretty" or in any sense made-up. Come to find out I can look "flawless" with just a stroke of "minerals"...who would have thunk it! I am not kidding you when I say that I was so ready to make that call. And with a special that would only last for the next five minutes...I had to hurry up and make my decision...(pause for a word from our sponsor).

Later during the day I finally decided to do something more constructive and actually listened to a message on the Internet. It was titled, "Ordinary You/Extraordinary God"...yeah! Then when I heard a number of LIES exposed, one being "You Are Your Appearance", whew! I was sure glad that I had not bought into the LIE that these "minerals" where going to make me FEEL pretty and hence everything was going to be okay.

~~So I guess lent has started. I've been hearing people around me be so absolutely passionate about what they are giving up as a sacrifice during these next forty days of lent. However, with that passion there are also some really strange comments and conversations. Here are a couple:

One Mom was so excited and passionate, she was giving up dark chocolate and pepsi! She was hoping that this year she would make it all the way through the forty days because she never seems to be able to hold out this long. She is also MAKING her children give up T.V. and the Wii, in addition to that extra good deed, that prayer to the Archangel Michael, that being good to your siblings, that respecting your parents - hopefully by the end of the forty days "they will get it". Will get what? She is imposing more on her kids then she is on herself and she expects them to carry it through for the forty days, when she isn't even sure she can handled it herself...Hummm...

Another lady was chatting away about how she had been at a strip club, having some beers, etc., however, when they later went to have dinner she absolutely refused to have meat because it was Ash Wednesday. In fact, she would not even have mashed potatoes and gravy because the gravy came from the meat juices...this one really through me for a loop=O

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you for your sweet words, love and prayers during this time of loss. You have blessed me today....

Hugs from Georgia!