Thursday, May 21, 2009


For those of you who at times read my blog - just wanted to let you know that I have not fallen off from the face of the earth, I've fallen a few times, but not off the face of the earth.

It has been really odd-crazy around here. Let's see, doctor appointments, lab work, x-rays, plumber, termite inspection, doctor appointments...did I mention doctor appointments, me under the weather (yeah, what's new), back went out, neck did not want to turn, a cough that just doesn't want to go away, some medical issues that are still being checked out...

And in case you are wondering..."the circus is coming to town!" Yes, my friends, we have to tent our house for termite fumigation. We are now in the process of working out all the logistics - this is so complicated! Who would have thought these tiny little creatures could create so much havoc and do so much damage.

So anyhow, keeping up with blogging, even though there have been things I want to write(good things), has been close to impossible. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I'm still here...keep praying for us.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow!!! You have soooo much going on! I'm glad you checked into the bloggy world, though. :) Let us know if we can help at all during the tenting process!