Monday, July 21, 2008


It has been busy, busy, busy around here. I am so thankful for the energy and stamina that My LORD has bestowed upon me. I take nothing for granted, and know that it is His strength flowing through me. In the midst of my busyness, HE swept me away and sat me at a table replete with abundant nourishment. In His love He allowed me to partake of a table that was filled with “SOLID” food for my soul. In fact, this lady I sat with at one of the seminars asked me, “So how do you like the conference?” I, with tears in my eyes, told her that I felt that My Jesus had set this beautiful table and filled it with all kinds of food and pulled up a chair for me and invited me to sit and partake, TO INDULGE.

I and my friend, Laura, got to attend a conference called “WOMEN discipling WOMEN equipping women to minister using God’s Word”. It was held at Grace Community Church and presented by The Master’s College. It was such an overwhelming time (good overwhelming). This Conference was incredible. There was no fluff there; it was all good solid food for the soul. I am still trying to digest all that the LORD taught me there. I am also praying for some stirrings that have been going on in my heart, but were definitely stirred up even more at this Conference.

From the get go this get away was a blessing. My friend Laura and I had an invigorating conversation on our way there. We enjoyed good stirring conversation with nothing to disrupt. Once we got to the Conference and got our materials, we both sat and enjoyed our surroundings and of course going through our wonderful handbook. As we browsed through the handbook I got stuck at the outline for the Seminar entitled “Christian Eldercare: Honor, Hope, and Humility” (look for some of it to be posted on the caregivers blog). I did not pick this seminar, but…when I came to “The privilege of being thought worthy!”…emotions were hard to contain, God was already at work. He had much to teach me this weekend. I gave this example to someone I talked to after the Conference – I had this tool chest fool of tools, however I did not know how to use or appropriate each one of those tools. Now, however, God has shown me and taught me how to use these tools. I am ever thankful for those women that took the time to be students themselves and now are teaching others what they’ve been taught.

God knows the desires of my heart. I am ever so thankful for this awesome opportunity that He allowed me to have. My prayer is that He would continue to lead me and teach me and show me what is next.

Thank you Jesus!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a fabulous and filling weekend it was!! Thanks for being my companion. Maybe the Lord will let us do it again...say July 17 and 18 of '09? :)