Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

For the last week or so some “hard issues” have come up that have had my mind thinking and meditating upon. The LORD has been reminding me to be thankful for “what I have” not for what I don’t have.

This morning was sweet and interesting. My hubby got up with me to help me get started for the day. We put the turkey in the oven and then sat and chatted and drank coffee. It was really a sweet time. My mind raced to a couple of women whom I know will be missing their husbands - this last week their own husbands have been taken from them; one in a tragic accident and another from a brain tumor.

O to be thankful for “what I do have” and not dwell on what I don’t have.

This will be our first year without having our daughter with us; however, we are thankful that she is serving her LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.

Much to be thankful for; much to enjoy; much to thank My Jesus for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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