Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God's Provision

The LORD had put it on our hearts to give some kind of token to the girls for finishing their Purity Study (too many details come into just this one sentence, but I don’t want to bore you with that). Anyhow, our budget for the Girls Tea (I will post later on the tea) was ZERO. We had some ideas for raising money, but all came to nothing. However, once again, God showed Himself able and willing to provide for all of our needs. He used some of His saints to provide for all that was needed – and I do mean all.

The gift – wow! What an endeavor. Lots of ideas, lots of desires, but…

Then you run into lots of red tape and logistics as you try to put together a “church event” (my goodness, you would think that we are trying to conquer the world!) Suffice it to say that lots and lots of prayer had to go into this whole endeavor (nothing is too small or too big for our God – Hallelujah!).

We finally came up with the bracelet below:

Yes, this was it and we had to settle for it (too much detail). And even this was a stretch.

BUT GOD…this is all I would have to say. He had other plans and purposes. One of His Dear Saints came into the picture – just at the right time (this so like God). This Saint donated her time, talent and yes, these bracelets!

Once again, My God is able to do abundantly exceedingly more than we ask or pray for – to God be the glory!

We so underestimated His willingness to give us ALL that we needed and then some. We were going to settle for what we could, in our humanness, do. Yet, He had something way better.

Thank you Jesus! And thank you to all we put in something to make this Study and Tea happen. To God be the Glory for ever and ever Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, it is such and awsome reminder that nothing is impossible for God and that I could never imaginge of what is able to do. keep up the good work in The Lord. You good servant of God!