Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Nick's Testimony

A friend e-mailed me this video (below). O my goodness, what a challenge! Lately, my heart has been aching for my daughter. I've wondered what God has in store for her future. She gets down, discouraged and frustrated because she doesn't function the way "normal people" do. Things don't come easy for her. Her brain doesn't "flow" in a manner that "we" think it should. Then there is my chronic pain, etc. And all the muck that comes from this beast. And then there is...I could go on. Anyhow, when I saw this video it left me with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. One of the things that Nick says is, "circumstances do not have to change in order for us to be victorious". So whatever you are going through, I know that you will be challenged and totally excited of what God is going to do through your circumstances. Praise be to God that truly ALL things work together for the good of those who love God and who are the called according to His purpose. We have no excuse!


Laura said...

What an encouragement. Thank you!

linda said...

Sabes Lety; yo tambien mire ese video antes de ir a la iglesia y me remordio mucho la conciencia, porque hay veces cuando me siento igual o peor que este muchacho (en limitaciones corporales) pero el Señor me tiene que recordar que yo soy hecha a su imagen y que el enemigo me hace sentir impotente para no glorificar a mi señor por eso ayer me puse a pensar en lo bendecida que estoy, fisicamente tengo salud y dios me ha dado habilidades para muchas cosas, pero si me tengo que recordar que Dios me las dio para usarlas para su gloria. Gracias Letty. I LOVE YOU.