Thursday, January 17, 2008

Really Random Thoughts

~*~Okay, so how difficult is it to put shopping carts in the shopping cart stalls. More and more stores are putting this stalls throughout their parking lots. Yet, for some unknown reason people simply refuse to take a few steps to put those carts where they belong. You would think with our fetish of staying fit this would be an opportunity to get some exercise - go figure. In fact, I've seen where if the person stepped to the right there would be the stall, but instead steps to the left and leaves the cart behind his neighbors car. Now would this person like to come out of the store and find a cart behind their car? I'd think not. They'd probably make a stink.=O

~*~Emotions (my goodness, need I say more). Ups and downs, joys and sorrows. One minute it is "Praise the Lord", the next it is "Woe, is me". We have the whole month covered ladies, with our pre/on/post...Then there are those tears or the outbursts of anger and frustration (wait, isn't this a sin?). All I have to say is...oops, sorry, I forgot.

~*~So do you ever walk around the home dressed like Lucy Ricardo(I Love Lucy) or Auntie B (The Andy Griffith Show)? These women look flawless. I mean Lucy looks all made up even when she just got up and is preparing breakfast for Ricky. Or when she and Ricky are simply visiting with their neighbors. They even have their pearls on and up-dos. In fact, the last Andy Griffith Show I saw, Auntie B is painting a piece of furniture looking all dolled up. I wonder what my husband would think if he'd come home and find me with a dress and an up do - hummm.

~*~And then there is dinner (a four-letter word around here. I won't explain at this point). Once at the table, one looks at what is on the plate and here comes the dreaded question, "What is this?" As dinner is tossed around to figure out what this "concoction" is. Along with faces and rolling of the eyes. Will it hurt to say something nice once in a while?

~*~I almost forgot:) Angie and I finally got to Starbucks the other day. Well, in my desire to make healthier choices I ordered - get this - a "skinny latte". Don't ask...all I have to say is, "what is/was the point?" yuck;(

~thanks for reading~


Praise and Coffee said...

Forget the skinny stuff! Go for the carmel/vanilla/mocha java, java something or other WITH whip!

Cute post!

Anonymous said...

hey, go for the caramel frapuchino with extra caramel....ahhhhh thats a good one.

Leti said...

Since I am a woman who "loves" to take peoples advise, I'll just do that - one for Sue and the other for lulu =O yummm!