There we are all settled in and ready to enjoy a movie. Cute movie, some laughs and an overall relaxing, fun time. Then there was this scene at an attorneys office. I keep watching and enjoying, mind goes way back to when I used to work. I know, what am I thinking, just enjoy the movie! But no, I let my mind race to being in an office, dressed for success. Okay shake it off - the movie is over and we come out and decide to walk over to get some frozen yogurt. I decide to wait outside in the patio for Angie to come out. There I am happy as a goose, people watching. I look over at this building, I see the name of a law firm that I was very acquainted with. And here my thoughts went even further. Yes, I pictured myself, once again doing that which I thoroughly enjoyed. The "stress" of preparing for trial. The awesome feeling of putting together a trial brief with all its exhibits and copies. Simply getting dressed for work everyday. The phones, etc. etc. - you get the picture. Yes, in my heart I wondered what it would be like to be in that sphere once again. To "feel" a sense of accomplishment and to feel like I am important and am doing something important. Believe you me, I've spoken to plenty of ladies and told them that being a stay-at-home-mom is the most important thing that they will ever do in their lives, but at this point these thoughts just overwhelmed me. I have never regretted my coming home when the Lord led me to, just at this point this wave of feelings came over me. I sat there for what it seems an eternity and I can tell you that I came home, not refreshed, but totally down-in-the-dump. Hard night all the way through.
Praise God there is morning! Through His Word He reassures me of what and who I am in Him. "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom..." Yes, His Word said to me to meditate on whatever is true...the thoughts that I had last night were not true. My identity, my worth does not come from "a career", or what I do, but it comes from being a Child of God and doing what HE CALLS me to do. I would never change my experience in the law field, but I would not change my times with my children either. I don't want to be where God doesn't want me to be, even if I think it will fulfill me. I guess, my flesh, chooses to forget all those headaches and awful-stress that came from being in the law field. Everywhere I go and everything I do has its good and its bad, but when it is God who has me in a place or position He is the one that carries me through when I can't go any further, even when I get allot of pats on the back.
So WHATEVER I do, in word or in deed, may I do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him and to bring Him glory.
What an emotional night! Thank God for His Word and Spirit that ministers to us exactly where we are.
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you visited! I'm so glad to meet you!!!
God Bless!
What you just shared reminds me of Eph. 2:10,
For we are His workmanship,(Poima, or Poem)) created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
He is the author and finnisher of our faith.
I love that song that goes;
We fall down, we lay our crowns, at the feet of Jesus. The greatness of His Mercy and Love, at the feet of Jesus. And we cry Holy,Holy, Holy, is the Lamb.
Every time I sing that song, i picture standing at the Bema seat after the Lord burns away all that is not of Him. Then I picture Him giveing me the crowns or crown of whatever I did do in His name. I get so overjoyed, but then I fall down and lay the crown at His feet, because I realize that It was Him working through me in the first place. helping me to bless my children,My Husband or whoever else.
I love what you shared. It really reminds me of the mind battle and how real it is, and if we are not equipped in Gods Word than we cannot cast down those emaginations so quickly.
Hope your having a blessed day in Jesus,
Wow...."He is the one that carries me through when I can't go any further" that is where my whole family is....God must be carrying us .... because we have no strength right now of our own. What a blessing!
Thank you for your sweet comment on my Internet Cafe post! I will be having a give-away in Feb. so check back w/me and get your name in the box!!!
Thanks for being such a blessing!!!
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