Tuesday, April 15, 2008

God Hears Me When I Call

Yesterday afternoon I headed off to take Angie to church. The plan was to drop Angie off at church and for me to go to a prayer meeting, sounds simple enough, right? The prayer meeting was to be only for an hour, so there was plenty of time to get to the meeting and come back for Angie. Yes, this was the plan. I don't know why I didn't think about the warfare that ensues when I set out for a prayer meeting, BUT...(stay with me people). Okay, so I headed off north on Pipeline, turned left on Francis, right on East End, at Holt I was supposed to make a right, but the unthinkable happened - a detour!!! (I get lost and flusterred so easily.) East End was closed at Mission. For the life of me I got so flusterred that I did not know what to do or which way to go. It took a few seconds/minutes to get my bearings, but I back-tracked rather than heading forward. Then the red light that I was at turned green for the others more times than I care to remember. I finally decided to head straight and make a u-turn at the next intersection. What's that? a train, yes, a train was crossing and I had to stop. Now, I am on Holt, onto Indian Hill and onto the other street I needed to go, which was the street that the house was on. I could not find the house. I went left and right and could not find the house. Finally I am late, but arrive at the prayer meeting. Of course, the LORD totally ministered to me and the other ladies. Prayer meeting is over, so I head off to pick up Angie, only to get lost again (I won't bore you with the details). Was late to pick Angie up. Her face looked scared that she had to wait outside for me, but all was well. Now home and telling my husband what happened. He said, "why didn't you call me?" O, yeah, I had a cell phone (brain freeze!)...you get the point=O I was frustrated and aggravated, but I knew that God had heard our cries despite all this.

Today this is what He spoke to me:
Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart
will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. John 16:22

---Suspended between heaven and hell, Jesus was taunted, rejected, cursed.
So much had been expected of Him. So much proclaimed. He looked like
a loser, but the end of His story hadn't been told...and neither, Beloved, has
the end of your story or mine! Kay Arthur
Daily Snippets from the Word
The Lord hath heard my supplication, the
Lord will receive my prayer. (Psalm 6:9)

I was so encouraged. God heard my prayer and even though I don't "see" the answer, YET, He is at work and will accomplish His will for those that I love. Thank you Jesus!

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