Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Joshua - Jericho

Joshua 5:13 - Joshua lifts his eyes, sees a man, asks one question.

Joshua 5:14 - The captain of the host of the LORD responds, "am I now come", Joshua is on his face in worship and asks, "What saith my lord unto his servant? (How did Joshua know? Didn't he need more info, more something? Joshua was so sensitive.)

Joshua 5:15 - the captain, "Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy". And Joshua did so. (again, no questions asked. Joshua simply obeyed.) In Joshua 6:2-5, the LORD gave Joshua specific instructions. It amazes me that not once did Joshua chime in or ask anything or begged differently or bargained for a different way. Joshua simply listened (be still and know that I AM God). Then in verse 6 we see Joshua carrying out all that the LORD told him to do. We don't see Joshua second guessing what he heard. We don't see Joshua saying, "Well, people, I think this is what God told me to do. Let's do this and see what happens. By the way, keep me in prayer because I don't know what will happen, but here we go." There is assurance, obedience and confidence. And, guess what, the people followed without questioning his leadership. (on a total side note - I must admit that I've read this story many, many times, but for some reason today I thought, "hey, the people obeyed Joshua without complaining. And the people of Jericho didn't sit on the wall and mock the Israelites. Yes, I know what you are thinking, 'if you are a Mom whose kids watch veggietales', this is what happens in a veggietale movie. How easily influenced my mind is. My doctrine was all wrong because of a cartoon! - okay, back to the serious part...)

This so spoke to me. How often do I receive from the LORD without questioning, or bargaining or begging for a different plan? And then there are those times when I wonder, "hey, did I really hear that?" or "is this really from the LORD?" How incredibly patient Our LORD is toward us. How loving and gentle. His love is unconditional and His long-suffering amazes me. LORD Jesus make us willing servants, ready to listen and most importantly ready to do Your will. Give us an undivided heart. Renew a right spirit within us. Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom and that we may bring honor and glory to Your Most Holy Name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loads of wisdom. I prayed the prayer at the end.
