Thursday, December 13, 2007

All About ME - fickle

Yesterday was a day to remember (I've been having lots of "days to remember" lately). I finally managed to get up and going to work-out. This weather is doing a number on my body and it takes more effort to get going so early. I'm thinking of maybe changing this routine - sorry, I deviated. Anyhow, it was a good start, once I got going. Then I went into my Mom's room to give her her morning meds. Ay Caramba-what happened here!!! There was puzzle pieces all over the place. The board for the puzzle looked like it had been smashed and crushed, etc., etc. Mom was sitting in her chair with a look on her face. I guess she saw the look on my face and said, "I fell down." Okay...what were you doing?! She at times does things thinking she can still do them and of course there are accidents. I'm already thinking, man do I have to sleep in her room now in order to keep an eye on her during the night? Don't worry, she is fine. Morning routine continues...through this out, clean this up, fix this, etc., etc. Then Angie and I are off to her piano lesson (all this and it is only 8:30a.m.). I with my bright mind figured, hey I'll drop Angie off at her lesson (in Rialto) then I will drive to Arrowhead Medical Center (in Colton) to drop off some "samples" at the lab (sounds like a good plan, don't you think?). Okay, I'm off to Colton...I got totally lost (I get lost alot) then all of the sudden I hear this beep out of nowhere. Oh my gas tank is going on empty in the middle of nowhere, at least nowhere I know. I finally see Mt. Vernon...Mt. Vernon!!! isn't this in San Bernardino. So I turn, I can't find a gas station, I'm praying, no gas station, I'm praying...o gas station - thank you Jesus! Yes, I made it to the hospital, to pick up Angie (late), to grocery shopping - forget it! Home to a stinky house cause someone forgot I did not need anymore "samples"...OMG can this get any worse?! I won't go on cause I'm getting a stomach ache just thinking about it...Yes, when it is all about me, as a friend said I AM GIGANTIC and all else is so small and bugs me to no end - God I'm so glad there is another view to this...


Anonymous said...

I took a deep breath when I read that you reached San Bernardino.(the getto. I was born there and lived on waterman)God is always with us. His Grace is sufficiant.


Laura said...

Good Grief, Charlie Brown!!!! Now THAT is a day to blog about.