Thursday, December 20, 2007

This morning as I was cooking I heard this song called "Christmas Shoes". I continued to cook, but I started to choke up. The love for a mother that comes through this song simply caught me off guard. You see, I've heard this song before, but for whatever reason it did something to me today. As I heard the song my mind began to wonder...I looked over at the table and saw my own mother sitting at the table busy working on her puzzle and I busy cooking (my how the roles have changed). I wondered how many people are missing their mom this many moms are wayward, or maybe have already passed away. How many moms are still alive and longing for a relationship with their children, yet life has happened and wounds have been inflicted and so their is a break in the relationship. How many moms long to receive some gift from their children, yet are ignored altogether. How many moms get thoughtful gifts from their children, yet they ignore their gift. How many children long to hug their mommie, yet they can't. How many moms long to hug their children, yet they can't. Some are right next to you, yet the distance between you is so vast. Yet others are so far, far away, yet they feel so near. No I don't think this was the way it was intended to be. Sin has raked havoc upon earth. It continues to deteriorate. YET, Praise be to God that HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME. God touch the wounded, the broken, the discouraged, the down-trodden, that child, that mom...You are the Healer, the Comforter...YOU DO ALL THINGS WELL.


Anonymous said...

I been thinking so much about my mom and dad this Christmas, you know i miss them more and more each day.i guess its because so many things are happening in our lives, that i wish they could share with me and even comfort me in my time of need.But yes we have our own comforter my lord.He is the one that keeps me SINGING!!!!!!!!
thank you for sharing this .
love you.

Laura said...

I'm reading this post as my own mom and two daughters are playing in the living room. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful.

Anonymous said...

I wish i heard the song too. I miss my mom alot. I just called her a few muinets ago.(can't seem to get ahold of her) I haven't seen her in along time. I also know that Gabe is hurting this Christmas alot. I can't wait until Jesus comes.


Lill said...


Lill said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, my friend "He does make all things well"! And praise Him for always beginning with our hearts. Amen? You know enough of the type of relationship I've had with my father-in-law. It took many bumps in the road these past 5wks for me to realize that He was giving me the heart that I had been asking for towards Danny. And like you over that stove, I shed many tears before I realize what was going on. Praise You Jesus, Praise You! God Bless you sister for sharing that tender moment that unfortunately so many of us need reminding.

Love you.