Friday, December 14, 2007

So Far to Go

The Lord has been speaking to me to have love and compassion for those who are so hard to love, those who have hurt me and "my better judgment" says, "I will not open myself up to be slapped (not literally) again". That is one of the reasons the poem that my friend shared with me really hit home. In part it says, " love like you've never been hurt...". As the Lord continues to mold and shape me (I would like to think that I am maturing) I followed through, by His strength, on something He asked me to do. Sure enough, days after this action what I feared would happen happened. I was already in a discouraged mood and so this just added to the whole "pit" thing. In my mind I'm all saying, "see I told you...I knew this would happen, etc." The Lord didn't let me wallow in this mood for long. On Thursday in my Our Daily Bread Devotion He gives me the Scripture He always give me when I am in this mood - Luke 6:27-36. The whole Scripture speaks loud and clear about this issue(s). But this one part really pricked my heart, "...bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you..." O Lord, you keep showing me this over and over and it simply doesn't stick. Thanks be to God for His long-suffering and patience (more than I have for anyone around me I hate to say). Then towards the end of my reading this words hit me like a ton of bricks, "...HE is kind to the unthankful and evil..." What?!?! O Lord, I have so far to go. So much work for Him to do. Praise be to God that HE started the work and HE will complete it in me. And HE reminds me that HE loved me even when I was a sinner totally not wanting anything to do with HIM. Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me and continuing the work. Create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that sister!
