Monday, November 5, 2007

A Broken World

Yesterday was my brother Carlos' (we call him Charly) 46th birthday. My heart felt heavy and wished I could pick-up the phone and have a chat with him. I must admit, I don't think about him much. He lives in Mexico (long-story...). I probably haven't chatted with him (a descent form of conversation) since 2002. I remember when we were still a "whole" family. Those were the days. Sin destroys. The memories are there, but I miss "him" so. And you know what, I am no different. If it wasn't for Jesus in my life, I don't know where I would be (I can give you a couple guesses, though). Just the other day my son reminded me of things that he remembers...let me tell you, I wish I could erase "those memories" from his mind. So this day I wish my brother a happy birthday. I trust one day God will make him whole again. For there is nothing impossible with God...just look at me.

1 comment:

Laura said...

He is still the God of the impossible. Never give up hope.

Luke 1:37 "For with God, nothing will be impossible."