Wednesday, November 21, 2007

God is Able

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 -- Try as we might, we cannot change another person's heart. Only God can. God alone is our hope, our very present hope in the time of need and trouble. When will we learn to simply do what God says: to pray and not faint, to persist and not quit, to wait upon Him until He brings it to pass? --- Kay Arthur

Yes, when will I learn to trust? A trust that is unchanging, unshakable regardless of what comes my way. God is so faithful and is always giving me His Unchanging Word to stabilize me. And so often He simply reminds me of what He has already told me, as if to say, "remember I already gave you a promise about this. Don't fear, it's all going to work out for good." He gently calms me and embraces me and fills my heart with hope...hope that doesn't disappoint. I'm like the disciples when Jesus said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side." While on their way a "great windstorm arose". And of course the disciples accused Jesus, " You not care that we are perishing?" So often, Jesus gives us His Word/Promise, but on our way we are hit by a storm/onslaught/bumps and we start doubting, wondering, questioning. Does the Lord understand? How much longer? It's getting worse!, etc. Yet, Jesus has never moved. He hasn't changed. He is still on the throne. In this same story Jesus tells the disciples (after calming the storm), "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

O God I believe, help my unbelief!!! "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)" So may I "pray and not faint, persist and not quit, wait upon Him until He brings it to pass".

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