Sunday, November 25, 2007

Glory To God

Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, WHO ONLY DOES WONDROUS THINGS! (Psalm 72:18). Allow me to boast in the June of 1993 I asked the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart. He became my Lord, my Savior, my King. Back then all I knew is that I was once blind and now I saw; I was once lost and now I was found. All I could do was to bow before this King who chose me, who called me by name and who took a piece of trash and gave it (me) meaning and purpose. This King who redeemed me by His precious blood and who imputed to me His righteousness and clothed me with beautiful white garments and made me white as snow hasn't stopped there. This was more than enough for me. If I would have gone to heaven then, it would have been enough. Yet He has done and will continue to do many, many more "wondrous things".

Let us fast forward to today and wow!!! Today I sat in church (spanish church at that, a story in itself). I sat there and once again meditated in how great My God is. Truly what is impossible with men with God isn't, for there is nothing impossible for the Lord. One of my nephews led worship, his wife sang, my daughter played the keyboard in the worship team, another nephew taught us the Word of God from the pulpit, in the pews sat one of my nieces with her entire family, another niece and her boyfriend, my brother and his wife sat at another place, my hubby is serving...I could keep going on and on and on. In Psalm 27:13 it says, "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." I for one have SEEN "the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." And since I know that My Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, I know that his wondrous works don't end here. He is going to continue to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all I could ask and pray. Praise be to God who alone does wondrous things!!!


Lill said...

This is an amazing testimony---and your family is a part of it hold onto that, you have encouraged me today....


Laura said...

Praise the Lord...indeed, glory to God!

Laura said...

I love the candle...where'd the wreath go? :)