Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving - Enjoy!

"My Utmost For His Highest - ...To be shallow is not a sign of being sinful, nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth to your life at all - the ocean has a shore. Even the shallow things of life, such as eating and drinking, walking and talking, are ordained by God. These are all things our Lord did. He did them as the Son of God, and He said, "A disciple is not above his teacher..." (Matthew 10:24)"

On this Thanksgiving Day when, it seems, all we do is eat, the Lord had to remind me to "enjoy the eating and drinking". Don't be so serious and uptight. Don't want everything perfect (according to Leti). Relax...Enjoy...Laugh! Today is what we have and we should enjoy it. So many changes have occurred in my life and the life of my family that we need to take each opportunity to enjoy each other.

He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your lips with rejoicing. Job 8:21

Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad. Psalm 126:2-3

So let us rejoice for truly the Lord has done great things!!!

1 comment:

Lill said...

HI Leti,

I enjoy your relaxed comments and pics! I relaxed also....I just made a dish and pie and brought them with me to a friends house with my daughter and we ate a big meal that she cooked and watched movies all day...of course we talked about everything we were thankful for.....I enjoy your blog, I will be back!
