Friday, November 30, 2007


Yes, my friends, it is official - drum roll please...I am totally irrevocably crazy en la cabeza (in the head). After many tests, proddings and appointments (my own appointments this time)...drum roll please...the tests show "NOTHING-NOTHING-NOTHING". Don't get me wrong, I am thankful, but when you physically feel the way I do, you would expect something. But no, to no surprise of mine, it all came back fine. Go home, Leticia, and live a wonderful life!!!


lulu said...

I'm so sorry,I was thinking that maybe with this new test the doctors would find out what was wrong,but i guess i was wrong.This fibro thing is so stinking ugly......
I love you

Laura said...

RRRRRRR!!!!!! I am frustrated for you.

Anonymous said...

That's so cool... I thought for sure there was something wrong in your cabeza, but that just confirms it, us Becerras ARE just loco en la cabeza! Love you-Pepe la pue