Monday, October 1, 2007

Appointments, Appointments, Appointments

Hi Fellow Caregivers,
Grab your wheelchairs, walkers, potty chairs, etc. cause we are up and running or should I say crawling - lol! Yes, humor is medicine to the soul as one dear sister reminded us. That is why I use lots of humor and lots of sarcasm to get through the fog and the grind. September is gone and with it went lots and lots (did I say lots?) of appointments. I've done more cross-word puzzles than I can think of...given more medical history to last for all of history...pushed, pulled, grabbed, and sat and sat and sat...I'm tired just listing these things. Let me entertain you by telling you about "our" last appointment (lest I bore you with alllllll the others). We were at Mom's Geriatrics Doctor (for those not familiar with medical terminology - it is the old folk doctor - hey, I should make an appointment with him, maybe he can figure out what is wrong with "my" old body...sorry I kind went off on another subject:o) Anyhow, after waiting to be called and waiting in the room. We waited in the room for over an hour because they forgot about us (not the first time this happens, however it was the first time at this Doctor's office). I did more cross-word puzzles to avoid listening to whining. The Doctor finally showed up and we did our routine. He gave me some more work to do and other work to continue - yeah! the excitement was overwhelming!!! Then he said the nurse would be in to give Mom the flu shot and then we were good to go. Okay, things were looking up. The nurse came in and said, "I have your Mom's flu shot." I said, "Great, can you also give her a shot to put her to sleep?!" Yes, I know you are gasping and growning, as so was I when the nurse (who knows me very well) said to me, "Agg, I don't do that." Back peddling and realizing what has just came out of my mouth and was giggling and kind of laughing and said, "Uh, uh meant, you know a shot so she can uh take a nap, I mean sleep better..." Yes, you could cut the tension with a knife. Thank goodness Mom doesn't understand English, otherwise I would probably have a bruised back (she has a pretty heavy, free hand!). Yes, I survived and they let me out without calling The Elderly Abused Hotline...whew! I'm telling you when God said He uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, I know He was thinking of me. Thank God for His long-suffering and patience.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ha Ha Ha! I truly wish I could have seen this whole scene take place in the doctor's office. Thanks for sharing your embarassing but hilarious moment...don't worry we all have them. :)