Monday, October 15, 2007


Lately there has been allot on my mind. I see my surroundings and those precious people that are part of my life. I've realized that people enter my life and leave. There have been some precious people in my life that have been courageous enough to open up their hearts and speak forth openly about their love for those that have gone on before them. God bless them for their openness. I wonder what is that makes me go forth without a thought of those that have meant so much to me. They were real people that made an impact upon my life and are part of who I am. Now granted, not all have passed-away, some have moved far-far away. While others have been taken on different paths, yet they were still part of me and left part of them in me. At times my daughter will ask, "Don't you miss _____." (at times it hurts too much to remember; at times I choose to forget). As I sat in my in-laws kitchen yesterday I saw generation after generation. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are not how they were. The sun is coming down on their legacy. Yet I see the little ones that the sun is barely starting to shine. Life and death and everything in between. God give me the grace to leave a legacy that won't be forgotten or easily swept away. May the memories linger even after my departure. May those that are left behind remember and never forget. Oh the tapestry of life how many colors make it up. Vibrant colors and dark ones too, can't have one without the other. O Lord, teach me to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom. "You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Psalm 73:24, NIV" - and for those that have gone on...may I chose not to forget.


Laura said...

I'm blown away at the truth of our lives being but today, gone the next. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and believe me when I say you're creating a legacy that will go on for generations to started with you, then Jose, then Joser, then Lulu, then Moni....and we'll see who is next. Love you!

Anonymous said...

It may be somebody you'll never expect to be the next. I love you.(keep praying for that person)