Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I wonder if it is just me, but more and more I notice that common courtesy is becoming a thing of the past. I for one have made it a point that if I am in the grocery line, or any other line for that matter, I will not be on the cell phone - specially if I'm already in front of the checker. However, I am the exception to that rule. Yet, I've notice something even more rude - the checker's don't pay attention to the customer. I've had checker's on the phone, yes, their own personal cell phones, while they are checking my eye contact, no looking making sure they aren't scanning things twice, etc. Today, was one of those days. However, what happened today was that the person in front of me apparently was a friend of the cashier and so they talked while she scanned her items (which is the thing to do), but when she was done scanning her items and began scanning mine she didn't even acknowledge me. This went on for all of my time in front of her. She finally finished scanning my items, I looked at the ATM machine and scanned my card (I don't need people to tell me what I have to do, but...) did my whole thing - yes, she is still talking to her friend - and then she gave me my receipt and briefly gazed at me and said a soft, "thank you", as she continued on with her conversation with her friend. The next customer came and I could see his face of unbelief as this checker continued on with her own personal conversation. Yes, my jaw was on the floor...maybe it is just me, but please can we show some courtesy. Do unto others as we wish done to us. Thanks for reading...


Laura said...

There are times when I haven't even gotten a "thank you" and I'll be the one to say if the cashier is doing me a favor...Hello!!! I'm buying the store's goods!!! Leti - I'll gladly stand on this soapbox with you.

BTW...your page looks nice!

linda said...

Yeaph.That happen to me a lot of times, but you know me, I just take my stuff and live, but when I get home I start the complainig with my honey.I agree with Laura your page looks really nice. Love you.

lulu said...

HEY,Were you shopping in Hesperia.....LOL
That happens alot in the stores up here.
Your page is pretty :)